The United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania and the Homer S. Brown Division of the ACBA will present “Conceived in Liberty & Dedicated to Equality: A Celebration of Diversity in the Western District of Pennsylvania.” The WBA offers this program as a 2 Credit PA Substantive CLE. It will be held on February 12, 2020 from 2-4 pm, at the United States Courthouse, 700 Grant St., Pittsburgh, PA 15219, in the Third Floor Lancaster Atrium, with registration beginning at 1:40 pm and a reception following. Speakers include: Professor Randall L. Kennedy, Harvard Law School, and Ronald W. Schuler, Esq., Member, Spilman, Thomas & Battle, PLLC.
The Cost of the Program is $50.00 for CLE ($40 for WBA and Homer S. Brown members; $25 for government attorneys); $10.00 for no CLE. The WBA is a licensed provider of CLE in Pennsylvania and will report all credits. Register on the Events page or by sending the appropriate payment to WBA, P.O. Box 23620, Pittsburgh, PA 15222, indicating “Celebration of Diversity” and your Pa. Id. No. on the Check or with your check. Call (412) 429-1922 if you have any questions.