Register for a WBAWPA Event or CLE

If the event for which you are registering does not require payment, you can simply email Please indicate the name of the event, your full name, and all required information as instructed in the event notification. You may also register by filling out the form below and entering $0 when you reach PayPal.

If the event requires payment, fill out the form below, and click “send.” You will be taken to our PayPal page where you can complete secure payment. You must enter the payment amount in the payment field once you reach PayPal. You will be redirected back to this site after payment is complete.

If you are registering for a CLE, please include your PA Id. No. with the identification of the event for which you are registering.

If you need further assistance, please contact us by email at or by calling (412) 429-1922.

Please Select Registration Type:

Free Registration Paid Registration

Free Registration